The Corn (Zea mays L.) belonging to the family Gramineae Maydeae tribes. Zea Mays is the only species of the genus Zea and it is only the state cultivated.
Constitution of the kernel
embryo (12-14%)
endosperm (75-80%)
casings (8-10%)
The kernel composition
The differences of kernel in corn (color, signs, weight) are very pronounced from one variety to another. The color ranges from dark violet to white, passing through red and the classic yellow color. Also the shape is very different: rounded, flattened, pointed, as well as the kernel weight that ranges from 100 g. over 1200 g. per 1000 grains. While the most common varieties have a weight of 1000 grains of about 250-300 g.
Varieties and genetic improvement
Thanks to the great genetic variety of the plant, the studies by the genetic improvement of the same have given and continue to give great successes. The research objectives are primarily to: precocity of the growing season, the plant’s resistance to disease, cold, to rot and to a pure improvement of grain quality. Worldwide research for the varietal improvement of maize has gone, as well as for other cereals, through to genetic engineering studies, creating transgenic varieties or genetically modified. The GMO varieties while in other countries are widely used, in Italy their cultivation is not allowed.
Commercial classification of hybrid varieties of corn
The main and most used is certainly the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), which is based on the maturation of varieties cycle: Classification of Sturtevant and Kuleshov Another classification is based on the consistence of corn and then the composition of the grains and starches sugars (classification of Sturtevant and Kuleshov) from which we can draw a different intended use of the varieties: Intended use of the Corn The grain can be used in various forms and for various uses. The majority of the corn used for animal feed and for human consumption is produced by dry grinding, from which is obtained the separation of the bran from the endosperm of the caryopsis integuments and flours of different grain size. This post is also available in: